Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's All A little Crooked Around Here!

A few days ago we started working on the pool ( it's not very big)and decided we needed a load of sand to level it out! This morning while shoveling the sand out of the back of The hubby's pick-up truck I knew I couldn't do this by myself so I waited for him to help me. He gets out his level and his trusty 100 year old (flat) board and we scrape across the top of this 15 ft circle until it is level to his satisfaction. If anyone knows my husband he his the definition of Mcguiver and the most simple man all wrapped up into one hunk of a man and boy does he drive me crazy!!! I title my post "crooked" for a reason. Everything we have is some kind of crooked and I an sure that there is a purpose for it but I don't know it yet. our landscaping Had to have curvature in it, we have never had a square garden with straight rows in it, I just told you about the pool, our pond leaks so it is uneven as well, but my husband for some reason is the least crooked person I know. He is so laid back One of the kindest, most giving, he loves me to the moon and back, and he has a hunger to live a very Straight path for the Lord! I often look around at what I see as chaos and clutter and if I am not careful I can become overwhelmed by it. But I think of what a God fearing,hard working, loving husband, father, provider, and supporter I am so blessed with and it makes me very thankful for my crooked little swimming pool and all of the other crooked things around here. The lesson here is. In all things give thanks! Be joyful always! Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.. Let your light shine!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Praises Galore!

I was just doing some thinking today while I was driving all over the country doing errands. I was so amazed at the sky today, it was just beautiful! Clear as a bell, blue as blue could get, and the puffiest clouds I had ever seen. Anyway, It just made me realize some important things! You see we have been praying for a precious little girl who has been sick with E.Coli and has had a terrible time recovering and producing urine. Yes, we have been praying for pee! Well, God answered our prayers a few days ago and this girl is peeing! Amen, while I was thinking about her mom, dad, and precious twin sister I remembered a time a few years back when my own daughter was sick with meningitis, man where we scared? She couldn't eat, drink, or barely even hold her head up. Our youth leader at that time came to visit her in the hospital and after talking with us for a few minutes we held hands and prayed for Kennedy. I really didn't think about his words much at that time because while he was praying I was begging God to heal her. It had been a few days since she had taken not more than a sip or two of water so of course she was hooked up to an I'V. She was lifeless compared to a normal day! He had asked God to give her strength to sit up a little and a thirst for something to drink on her own. Within 15 minutes she asked for a sprite! I just remember crying and thanking the Lord, but I don't think it really sank in to me that HE had answered our prayers. Does that make sense? Well today, several years later, I was reminded of this story and how it could have went the other way. Today, I have just been overwhelmed with the presence of the Holy Spirit.He Lives Y'all!!! For the last few days I have been going over things in my mind, praying for these sick children and when I heard that Sweet P. had really peed, I was rejoicing! Anyway, God just showed himself faithful in this situation and I just praise him for it! We take so much for granted everyday but even more than that we have so much to be thankful for and I don't think we ( myself included) give God the glory for it.
this here is Kennedy, (the once sickly one) healthy as a horse and proud as a peacock
to be declared a State winner at her Bible drill competition! 

I had a little different "view" when I looked up into the sky today, I really saw God's hand at work!
God says in his word to pray without ceasing, that means Pray for everything, anything, even the little things!!! He wants to hear from us!

for the record, I started this "Blog" a long time ago, but really didn't know how to get it up and running, I'm still not real sure but I just felt the need to say some things today!

the beautiful sky, I was telling you about...
Paisley and the Pee! this is a beautiful site!